Culver Indiana Senior Photos: Momo Kime
This past weekend, Ginny and I shot two Culver Academy seniors after the Garrison Parade. The weather was great and these guys were good sports as we lead them around campus looking for new and creative places to shoot them. I’m sure that they would have rather been with their families on Mother’s Day.
If you’ve been following my blogs, you might recognize Momo from the Fall Football photos. He was one of the team captains and the Center. He also played defense, so he shows up in a couple thousand photos from the season. This Spring, I’ve been trying to get photos of Momo in lacrosse. Unfortunately though, he is one of the defensive men. (In their home games, the ball seldom ends up on that end of the field.)
Momo’s final rank for the year is Battalian Commander, which is one of the highest ranks that a cadet can achieve. Next year, he’ll start all over again as a new cadet, as he will be attending West Point. I’m sure Momo will excel at West Point.