Tag Archives: Seniors

Culver Indiana Photographer: Stephen Keisler Senior Shoot

On Sunday morning, I shot Culver Academy senior Stephen Keisler. It was a beautiful day for shooting, though the sun was almost too bright for the locations that we wanted. Stephen was a good sport and patient as I played with my camera settings in an attempt to overcome the effects the sun had. Stephen was energetic and excited to try different poses and locations. Stephen’s girlfriend Kirsten (I photographed her over Spring Break) accompanied him, so I went ahead and included her in a few of the photos.


Culver Indiana Senior Pictures: Josh Wright Senior Photos

On Sunday, Ginny and I shot Battery C’s Company Commander Josh Wright. We shot the pictures for Josh’s senior pictures and an album we are creating for Josh’s mom. The album will include sports shots we got of Josh earlier in the year. In the Fall, Josh was the CMA Eagles Football team’s quarterback. This Spring, Josh plays on the Varsity Baseball Team.

Ginny kept thinking she knew Josh from somewhere and then realized that we’ve taken 100s of pictures of him over the past year. She thought it was funny that she knew his face through the camera but had never met Josh in person. Turns out that Josh is a great guy!



Culver Indiana Senior Photos: Momo Kime

This past weekend, Ginny and I shot two Culver Academy seniors after the Garrison Parade. The weather was great and these guys were good sports as we lead them around campus looking for new and creative places to shoot them. I’m sure that they would have rather been with their families on Mother’s Day.

If you’ve been following my blogs, you might recognize Momo from the Fall Football photos. He was one of the team captains and the Center. He also played defense, so he shows up in a couple thousand photos from the season. This Spring, I’ve been trying to get photos of Momo in lacrosse. Unfortunately though, he is one of the defensive men. (In their home games, the ball seldom ends up on that end of the field.)

Momo’s final rank for the year is Battalian Commander, which is one of the highest ranks that a cadet can achieve. Next year, he’ll start all over again as a new cadet, as he will be attending West Point. I’m sure Momo will excel at West Point.


Culver Indiana Senior Pictures: Shae Harris Senior Photos, Part 2

Today, we met again with Shae Harris to take some photos that included props from her school activities and her car. And, we met 10-year-old Ally, Shae’s sister, and Nick, Shae’s boyfriend. Ally is not only funny, but she’s also creative. She came up with some fun ideas for posed pictures and outdoor pictures on the swing set. Though Nick was coming from basketball practice, he was very accomodating of us and agreed to take a few shots. What a nice guy, and we know he has good taste! We took a few shots just as it was getting dark, and though the lighting wasn’t ideal, the couple was. We went for the goofy, the creative, the props, the car, some school signs, and the beautiful Shae. It was a fun photoshoot. We’ve uploaded more photos to the Shae gallery. Thanks Shae and Harris family. We love your humor and your kindness. Both seem to run in the family! Congrats to Shae and Nick on their senior year. Hope your final months are filled with fond memories!


Culver Indiana Senior Pictures: Shae Harris Senior Photos, Part 1

 The rain finally stopped long enough for us to take photos. Today, Ginny and I shot Shae Harris. Shae is a senior at Culver Community High School, and she is the daughter of Robin Harris, a friend of Ginny’s.

We had planned to take photos of Shae at a beautiful yellow tree near the dentist’s office, but this weekend’s weather took the leaves off of the tree, making a barren background. Ginny and I had scouted a few other locations, and we were lucky enough to get those to work, as all the leaves haven’t fallen yet and there were some great backdrops to work with, and some decent lighting. The weather held out, and the sun actually came out for a few shots. And Shae was beautiful. She has a natural smile and easy-going personality. We had a great time shooting her in the natural settings of Fall.

Later in the week, we will shoot more photos of Shae to capture what she does at school and her car. Thanks for your patience today, Shae. We had a great time with you and know you have a great future ahead of you.
