Tag Archives: School Photos

Culver Indiana Senior Pictures: Shae Harris Senior Photos, Part 1

 The rain finally stopped long enough for us to take photos. Today, Ginny and I shot Shae Harris. Shae is a senior at Culver Community High School, and she is the daughter of Robin Harris, a friend of Ginny’s.

We had planned to take photos of Shae at a beautiful yellow tree near the dentist’s office, but this weekend’s weather took the leaves off of the tree, making a barren background. Ginny and I had scouted a few other locations, and we were lucky enough to get those to work, as all the leaves haven’t fallen yet and there were some great backdrops to work with, and some decent lighting. The weather held out, and the sun actually came out for a few shots. And Shae was beautiful. She has a natural smile and easy-going personality. We had a great time shooting her in the natural settings of Fall.

Later in the week, we will shoot more photos of Shae to capture what she does at school and her car. Thanks for your patience today, Shae. We had a great time with you and know you have a great future ahead of you.
