Tag Archives: lake maxinkuckee
Culver Academy Sailing Regatta Photos
This past weekend, Culver Academy hosted its annual invitational sailing regatta on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee. As always, the coaches and students of CGA and CMA hosted a nice event. The weather was sunny and beautiful but there was almost no wind. On Saturday, races were postponed until later in the day. Sunday, after an hour postponement, the races were called off. I photographed what I was able to but with prior commitments later in the afternoon on both days, only a few races actually occured during the hours that I was there.
I’ve posted some photos here. Other photos are located at:
Engagement Portrait Session: Bethany and Tommy
A few weeks ago, Ginny and I photographed Bethany and Tommy for an engagement session. They will be getting married at Culver Academies next summer. Ginny and I will be photographing the wedding. We are looking forward to it, as these two people are great to work with and so easy going. We took some photos down by the park where they were engaged, and we also went over to campus to get some Chapel shots. We are looking forward to wedding day of these two!
Indiana High School Photographer: Alex and Friends

Today, Ginny and I shot Culver Girls Academy senior Alex and her two friends. As we were shooting, I kept telling the girls and Ginny that they reminded me of Charlie’s Angels. In some of the shots, you’ll see why I thought this. These pictures also reflect some of the lasting friendships of Culver. You can tell these three are tight and have experienced Culver to the fullest. It was chilly today, but the pictures turned out beautifully. Ginny and I had a great time finding locations and trying out various shots to include all three girls. We wish all three the best as they approach their grad day.
Indiana Senior Pictures: Alyssa

Last Friday was a beautiful day in Culver and perfect for senior pictures. This time, Alyssa from Crown Point, Indiana, joined us. Though from outside of Culver, Alyssa loves Culver and has vacationed here with her family the past few summers. Alyssa wanted to get some shots with the Fall leaves, the lake, and a willow tree she spotted on Culver Academies’ campus. She and her mom scouted out some scenes with us. My favorite line of the day was when we were in a field shooting and Alyssa’s mom said, “Adore the wheat, Alyssa.” Ginny and I laughed a lot and had fun shooting Alyssa. As you can see from her pictures, she has a natural affinity to the camera and is beautiful inside and out.
Indiana Senior Pictures: Kaitlyn
About a week ago, we shot Kaitlyn’s senior photos. Kaitlyn is a senior at Culver Community Schools. She has a love of photography and takes pictures at sporting events, of friends, and so on. I get to see her when I’m at Culver shooting sports events. I always enjoy talking to her. She had some great locations in mind for her shoot, including a private property that still has some corn stalks standing, which made for a great background setting. We enjoyed working with Kaitlyn. Her kind nature is evident in the photographs. We wish her all the best with her senior year and look forward to hearing about her plans for next year.
Indiana Sports Photography: CMA Intersquad Lacrosse
To wrap up the Culver Academy’s Parent’s Weekend, the CMA Lacrosse teams played an interquad game on their field overlooking Lake Maxinkuckee. The weather was nice, the kids played hard, and a good sized crowd cheered them on. It was a lot of fun and a great way to end a big weekend. The game was a high scoring game with no dominate side, as the teams were picked by the team captains. After each goal, the teams performed little routines that could be best described as “excessive celebration,” which had the fans laughing. I can tell you this–Culver won. Beyond that, I’m sorry that I wasn’t paying close enough attention to say whether Maroon or White won. Regardless, it was fun and something more teams should do in their off seasons. I’ve posted some photos here. Others are located at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CMA Varsity Football vs. Churubusco
Saturday was a beautiful afternoon for a football game . The CMA Eagles played their hearts out against the undefeated team from Churubusco High School and led most of the game much to the surprise of the players and fans on the opposing team. I’m not sure if it was the energy of a home game during Parent’s Weekend or the fact that it was a daytime game, but I’ve never seen a team come together as a team as they did. Unfortunately, the momentum changed for the Eagles during the fourth quater. Churubusco scored two touchdowns and took the victory. Still, I think the Eagles played their best of the season, and I look forward to seeing them continue to grow as a team. I’ve posted some photos here. Other are located at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CMA Varsity Soccer vs. Argos High School
In the second game of the evening, the Culver Varsity Soccer Team played Argos High School at Culver Academies. The CMA Eagles played well, but some struggles in the first half put them too far behind to overcome Argos in the second half. With a couple of scores late in the second half, Culver showed promise and heart. The final score was Culver-2 Argos-3. I’ve posted some photos here. Others are located at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CMA JV Soccer vs. Argos High School
Yesterday, the first soccer game of the day played on Culver Academies’ campus was between the JV teams teams from CMA and Argos High School. It was a fun game to watch as neither team dominated the game. The ball spent equal time on both ends of the field. Ultimately, Culver Military Academy did win. The final score: Culver-3, Argos-0. I’ve posted some photos here. Other photos are located at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CMA Eagles Varsity Football vs. John Glenn High School
Fall is here! At least that is how it felt at Friday’s football game on Culver Academy’s campus as the CMA Eagles played a varsity game against John Glenn High School. The weather was cooler with a breeze and the sun set earlier than previous weeks. Unfortunately, playing at home and having a cooler evening did not help Culver as they played a tough opponent who has had a great season. John Glenn has shut out their competetion the past 4 weeks and played similiarly on Friday. Culver played well but made a few mistakes that resulted in a score gap that could not be overcome. I’ve posted a few photos here. Other pictures are located at: