Tag Archives: Indiana Dunes
Culver Academy Basketball Photos: CGA Varsity Basketball vs. John Glenn
Today, the CGA Varsity Basketball Team played John Glenn High School at Culver Academy. The girls fought hard, but never got the upper hand. During the last quarter, the Eagles closed the score gap to within a few points, but the final score was Culver 48 and John Glenn 55. I’ve posted some photos here; find more at www.culverphotos.com.
Indiana Photography: Indiana Dunes
Today, we (Grant and Corey Hilz) explored some of the many state parks located at the Indiana Dune’s waterfront. It was hot with a lot of hiking involved, but once the sun started to set, the shots were worth the sore feet I had when I got home. In several of the sunset shots, the skyline of Chicago can be seen on the right side of the photo. I couldn’t believe you could see that skyline from where we were. I was grateful to capture some of it.
I had to play around with a lot of settings, as it’s easier to blow out the sky on sunsets than it is to capture some color. I also find it more difficult than it would seem to capture foregrounds, such as the shoreline, while trying not to completely blow out a shot. You have to work rather quickly once the sun gets low in the horizon, as you lose the light quickly, but I enjoyed trying to get a few shots while there was enough light to adjust the settings until I found a shot I liked. Though we got home really late (after midnight), I enjoyed making that trip and hope to make it again next summer.
Culver Indiana Wedding Photographer: A Sunset Ceremony

Ginny and I were honored to shoot the wedding of Ty and Diana Fujimura. Ty is the son of Cheryl and Tom Fujimura. For those who went to Culver Academies in the 80s, you might know Mr. Fujimura as “Dean Fujimura.” For this wedding, we fought the rapidly descending sun, as the ceremony started around 7:30 p.m. We struggled with lighting issues all night, but we learned that you must work with what you get in this scenario, and sometimes, you get more than you hoped for. In some cases, the sun gives you warm, golden pictures that you couldn’t create superficially if you wanted to; in other cases, it created a romantic setting. In still other cases, it blew out shots and meant we had to adjust settings throughout the evening.
The bride and groom are fun people, beautiful to photograph, and showed great love and respect for their friends and family. We enjoyed catching some of the moments they shared on their special day.
Plymouth Indiana Wedding Photographer: Wedding in a Park

Ginny and I shot the wedding of Ashley and Seth Ellinger. The ceremony was held at a park in Plymouth, IN. They used a gazeebo for a more intimate ceremony, and then had the reception in the park with a larger crowd. Ginny shot from the back of the gazeebo, while I moved around it. My favorite shot is one Ginny got of the flower girls. She noticed they were getting tired of being on their feet and had begun to move toward each other. Ginny waited patiently for the right moment, and I think she captured it here. Though it was a short evening, we had a great time shooting this beautiful groom and bride. Here are a handful of shots from the evening.
Culver Indiana Photographer: Chairs for Charity
Ginny is a member of Tri Kappa, a women’s chairity organization here in Culver. They held a chairs for charity auction and asked me to shoot some pictures. I thought this selection of chairs would be most interesting. They had several chairs representing every type of method of artistry among them. One was a knit chair, some were painted, some were upholstered, some were decorated for a specific theme, and there were some unusual, one-of-a-kind pieces. They raised over $7,000, which is impressive in our little town. Congratulations to all of the artists who contributed and to the Tri Kappa women who hosted a classy event.
Culver Indiana Children Photographer: Visiting Friends
Today, I was visiting friends Tommy and Coleen Denham. Their daughter Sydney was enjoying some of her water toys in their back yard. I had my camera in the car, so Tommy asked me to get some shots of Sydney playing. Sydney is obviously a beautiful child, so I tried to get her to ham it up for the camera. I think she did a great job and had a good time.