Tag Archives: CGA
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Commencement

The 2009-2010 Culver Academy school year comes to a close with the Final Formation and Graduation Commencement that was held last Sunday on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee. As part of the ceremony, the cadets proceed through the CMA Gate and the coeds walk through the CGA Arch. Once through, they are welcomed by a Legion Board member as they join the ranks of other Culver Alumn. As always, emotion runs high, as this celebration is both joyous and sad being the end of the seniors’ Culver (and high school) lives.
All totaled, I shot over 1500 photos before, during, and after the graduation ceremony. I tried to get a couple of photos of each student as they received their diploma and progressed through the Gate or Arch. I’ve only posted a few photos here. Others can be found at:
Before/After Ceremony- http://www.culverphotos.com/6-6_10_commencement_bf
Arch Ceremony- http://www.culverphotos.com/6_6_10_commencement_arch
Gate Ceremony- http://www.culverphotos.com/6_6_10_commencement_gate
Please note that both the Gate Ceremony photos and the Arch Ceremony photos are in the order that the students progressed through the Gate and Arch. If you are looking for a student who graduated later in the ceremony, look much later into the gallery.
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Final Ball- Outside
Before and after the CGA Senior Waltz and Officer’s Figure, I shot several kids and families outside of the gym. For the Culver students, mingling and carrying on with their friends outside has before a tradition and integral part of Final Ball. It is a lot of fun to be around, as there are hundreds of students and mothers in beautiful gowns along with their male counterparts in Dress As and suits. Everyone always looks very sharp.
I’ve posted a few photos here. Other are at:
Please note that photos from the Officer’s Figure and Senior Waltz are not in this gallery. There are three galleries that contain these photos: “CGA Senior Waltz,” “Officer’s Figure- Mothers,” and “Officer’s Figure- Dates,” all of which can be found in the Graduation gallery at http://www.culverphotos.com/2010grad.
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: CGA Senior Waltz
As part of the Culver Academy Graduation Ceremonies and the Final Ball held last Saturday, is the CGA Senior Waltz. This is a dance where the senior girls dance with their dads or, in some cases, their grand dads. It is really fun to watch as everyone seems to have a great time.
I’ve posted some photos here. There are many more located at http://www.culverphotos.com/2010seniorwaltz.
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Final Garrison Parade
Last Saturday, the Culver Corp of Cadets performed the Final Garrison Parade for 2010 as part of their Graduation Weekend. Everyone looked great and did well. The Troop had a few issues with a couple of horses acting up. As a former trooper myself, I suspect that either the kids were egging the horses on a little or the Horsemanship Department was trying to incorporate a few new horses into their parade mounts.
I’ve posted some photos here. Other are located at
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Commencement Convocation
On Saturday morning of Culver Academy’s Graduation Weekend, Culver held its commencement convocation. And, as it turns out, a close friend of ours, Danny Cowell, received an award. Following are some photos from the convocation. You can find the other photos at http://www.culverphotos.com/6_5_10_convocation.
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Honor Organization Performances
One of the first events of Culver Academy’s graduation weekend involved the performances of the Honor Organizations, which included the Color Guard, the CGA Silent Drill Team, the Equestriennes, the Four Gun Drill, and the Lancers. Originally scheduled for outdoors, I was looking forward to getting photos in natural light. The last time that I was able to shoot these groups outside was during the 2008-2009 school year. Unfortunately, Culver Academies had to make the decision to hold the performances indoors. The weather was nice so it was a bit of a surprise. I suspect that there was some fear of damaging the parade field before the final garrison parade. It rained a lot this past week, so I think the organizers made a good decision.
As always, the groups looked great and they changed their routines slightly from the performances over Parent’s Weekend and Alumni Weekend. In addition to different routines, the various teams honored their graduating seniors. It was classy and brought back some memories for me from when I was a senior in that same position 23 years ago.
I’ve posted a few photos here. Others are posted at
Culver Academy Reunion Photos: Honor Group Performances
As a final wrapup to Reunion Weekend–a long, busy weekend for me–were the performances of Culver Academy’s Honor Organizations on Sunday afternoon. The cadets and coeds that make up the Equestriennes, Lancers, 4 Gun Drill, Silent Drill Team, and Girl’s Drill Team put on great shows. It was a nice end to a nostalgic weekend.
I’ve posted a few photos here. Others can be found at http://www.culverphotos.com/honor_groups.
Culver Academy Reunion Photos: Garrison Parade
On Saturday afternoon, the weather changed and it turned out to be a beautiful day. Actually, it was a little miserable when the rain moved out, as it became very hot and humid. With the clear skies, however, the Reunion Weekend Garrison Parade took place on Culver’s main parade field that overlooks Lake Maxinkuckee. The cadets and coeds (Girls Flag Corp) looked great and put on a parade that would make any alum proud.
For all of our local fans out there, I’ve included a shot of our very own summer icon Dusty Hendricks as he marched by in review. With only 3 members of his class in attendance, you can tell from the smile on his face that it didn’t distract him from having a fun weekend.
I’ve posted some photos here. Others are located at http://www.culverphotos.com/2010alumniparade.
Culver Academy Reunion Photos: Crew Regatta
On Saturday morning, I was out the door by 6:45 a.m. to catch the Culver Crew Regatta, as this was only the second time this season that the Culver Academy Crew Teams competed on Lake Maxinkuckee. I shot the team during practice a few weeks ago and wanted to get them competing and in their uniforms.
If you’ve followed my blogs, you’ve probably figured out that the weather here in Culver is unpredictable and has not been my friend this Spring. Saturday morning was no different. The event started almost an hour late due to the weather. It was hazy, foggy, and overcast. At one point, it even started to rain enough that I put my protective gear on my camera.
I apologize for not getting more pictures of the boys’ crew teams, but during the five hours that I was there, most of the races were of the girls’ teams. I would have loved to stayed longer, but being Culver’s Reunion Weekend, I had committed to following one of the alumni classes around as members attended their events.
I’ve posted some of the crew photos here. Others can be found at:
Girls 2-Person- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_22_10_girls2person
CGA Girls 4-Person- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_22_10_cga4personcrew
Visiting Girls 4-Person- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_22_10_visiting_4pgirlscrew
Girls 8-Person- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_22_10_crew_girls_8_person
Boys 4-Person- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_22_10_mens4person
Boys 8-Person- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_22_10_mens8person
Culver Academy Track Photos: Culver Academy Track Meet
Yesterday afternoon, the rain cleared and for a little while, things were nice. I took advantage of the sunlight to go by the Culver Academy track meet against North Judson that involved both the boys and girls competing. (Some track meets are only one or the other.) Unfortunately, one event that I was hoping to shoot was canceled due to the winds. In yesterday’s meet, there was no pole vaulting.
This was my first track meet of the 2010 season. To be honest, they tend to intimidate me a little as there is so much going on and multiple events running at the same time. If you aren’t set up in the right place when an event starts, you’ve missed it. If you’re shooting a another event while a slower event or an event with fewer people is going on, we’ve probably missed that event as well. Ideally, to properly cover a track meet would require 2 or 3 photographers to cover all of the events. At yesterday’s meet, I covered what I could.
I’ve posted some of my favorites from the different events here. Others can be found at http://www.culverphotos.com/5_13_10_trackmeet.
If you are looking for a specifc event, use the following links:
High Jump- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_13_10_highjump
Hurdles- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_13_10_hurdles
Long Jump- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_13_10_longjump
Non-Competition (Infield and coaches)- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_13_10_noncompetition
Relay Races- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_13_10_relayraces
Shot Put- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_13_10_tf_shotput
Track Races- http://www.culverphotos.com/5_13_10_trackraces