Tag Archives: CGA
Culver Academy Garrison Parade: Parent’s Weekend 2011
Parents’ weekend on Sunday was a great day for Culver Academy’s Garrison Parade. The weather was nice. The boys and girls looked sharp. The band sounded good. The trucks all ran and were clean. And the horses, for the most part, behaved themselves. The parade was everything that you’d expect 8 months into the school year.
I’ve posted some photos here. Other photos are located at:
CGA JV Lacrosse Photos: Culver Academy vs. Park Tudor
The undeated Culver Academy Girls JV Lacrosse team played Park Tudor High School, which is the school that I would have attended had I not chosen Culver 28 years ago. The girls are still undefeated with an easy win and score of 12-to-2. The girls played exceptionally well and they have a coach who has developed the team. (Several of the girls had never played lacrosse before Culver.)
To the parents and kids, let me apologize. I started watching the game without a jacket on. With the wind, it was too cold for me. The only jacket that I had in the car was my embroidered CulverPhotos.com jacket, which is bright red, not the right color when shooting a game against Park Tudor. In my defense, I only have one embroidered jacket. When I had it made, I wanted a bright color that wouldn’t offend Culver Aacdemy supporters or Culver Communuity High School fans when I shot games where the two schools played one another. With that in mind, I chose red. In hindsight, I probably should have gotten a red jacket, an orange jacket, and a maroon jacket. Sorry if it looked like I was supporting your opponent.
I’ve posted my favorite photos here. Many more photos are posted at:
Girl’s JV Softball Photos: CGA vs. North Judson
Wow, it was a busy weekend at Culver Academies! As always, Culver tried to fit as many events as possible into their Spring Parent’s Weekend. For a change, the weather was quite nice, so I attempted to photograph as many things as possible. I’ll go ahead and apologize in advance, as there were few games that I managed to stay through the entire game. There were just too many things going on and too many others places I was trying to get to over the weekend.
On Friday night, I got a chance to watch my first softball game of the season. The CGA JV Softball team hosted North Judson High School. The Culver girls were a lot of fun to watch as they had so much fun playing. The girls struggled but it never appeared to affect their moods or the fact they were having fun and enjoying themselves. In their defense, I’m told that many of the girls have never played softball before. Knowing that, I think they did well.
I’ve posted my favorite photos here. Other photos from the game are located at:
Culver Lacrosse Photos: CGA JV and Varsity vs. Carmel High School
Last weekend, the sun was shining for a change as I shot my first lacrosse games of the season. The JV and Varsity teams of CGA hosted Carmel High School for back to back games Saturday afternoon. You can’t tell from the photos, but the field was a soggy mess from all of the rain that we’ve had.
The Culver girl’s JV team played an exceptional game, easily winning with a score of 11-to-2. The CGA Varsity team really struggled throughout their game and did not play up to their potential. They did have a great rally late in the game, but it was too little, too late. I’ve posted my favorite from both games here. Other photos are located at:
CGA JV Lacrosse vs. Carmel High School- http://www.culverphotos.com/4_23_11_cgajvlacrosse
CGA Varsity Lacrosse vs. Carmel High School- http://www.culverphotos.com/4_23_11_cgavlacrosse
Indiana Sports Photography: CMA Wrestling vs. St. Joe
Earlier this week, I photographed the Culver Academies Wrestling match against St. Joe High School at Culver. It was a quick match because St. Joe does not have a full wrestling squad with only 9 weight classes. CMA won most of the classes, though St. Joe did get the upper hand in a couple of them. I’ve posted a few photos here. Other photos from the event are located at:
Indiana High School Photographer: Alex and Friends

Today, Ginny and I shot Culver Girls Academy senior Alex and her two friends. As we were shooting, I kept telling the girls and Ginny that they reminded me of Charlie’s Angels. In some of the shots, you’ll see why I thought this. These pictures also reflect some of the lasting friendships of Culver. You can tell these three are tight and have experienced Culver to the fullest. It was chilly today, but the pictures turned out beautifully. Ginny and I had a great time finding locations and trying out various shots to include all three girls. We wish all three the best as they approach their grad day.
Indiana Sports Photography: CGA Volleyball vs. West Central
Last night, the girl’s JV and Varsity volleyball teams of Culver Academy played West Central High School at Culver. Both the JV and Varsity teams played well and were evenly matched against West Central. Ultimately, the CGA teams won their matches, though West Central did win some individual games. I’ve posted some photos here; others are located at:
CGA JV Volleyball- http://www.culverphotos.com/9_20_10_jv_vball
CGA Varsity Volleyball- http://www.culverphotos.com/9_20_10_varsity_vball
9-11-10 CGA Freshman Volleyball vs. Knox High School
This morning, the CGA Freshman Volleyball team hosted Knox High School at Culver Academy for an early-morning matchup. Unfortunately, the CGA Eagles had a rough time and were out played by the ladies from Knox. I’ve posted some photos here. Others are posted at
Indiana Sports Photography: CGA JV Soccer vs. CCHS
The other morning, I shot the CGA JV soccer team as they hosted the girl’s JV team from Culver Community High School on Culver Academy’s campus. With this being a match between the two local schools that I follow, I found myself in the awkward position that I couldn’t cheer for one team over the other. I love the school I graduated from, but I have grown to love the community I live in, so I cannot root for either side. Ultimately, I hope for a tie. This game was a lot of fun to watch as both teams were very evenly matched. THe pictures show just how determined the girls played on both sides. The girls from CCHS won by one goal. I’ve posted some photos here. The other jv pictures from this game are located at http://www.culverphotos.com/9_04_10_soccer.
Indiana Sports Photography: CGA JV and Varsity Soccer vs. Concord
A few days ago, I shot the CGA girl’s JV and Varsity soccer teams as they hosted the teams from Concord High School at Culver Academies. All the teams played well, but ultimately both the JV and Varsity teams from Concord were victorious. I’ve posted some photos here. Others are located at:
JV Game- http://www.culverphotos.com/8_31_10_jv
Varsity Game- http://www.culverphotos.com/8_31_10_varsity