Tag Archives: CCHS
Indiana Senior Pictures: Kaitlyn
About a week ago, we shot Kaitlyn’s senior photos. Kaitlyn is a senior at Culver Community Schools. She has a love of photography and takes pictures at sporting events, of friends, and so on. I get to see her when I’m at Culver shooting sports events. I always enjoy talking to her. She had some great locations in mind for her shoot, including a private property that still has some corn stalks standing, which made for a great background setting. We enjoyed working with Kaitlyn. Her kind nature is evident in the photographs. We wish her all the best with her senior year and look forward to hearing about her plans for next year.
Indiana Sports Photography: CCHS Volleyball vs. New Prairie
On Thursday night, the JV and Varsity Volleyball teams from Culver Community High School played New Pairie High School in Culver. In additiona to the games, there was also a ceremony to honor the two CCHS Seniors on the team.
The girls from Culver played hard, but New Praire proved to be a tough opponent and won both matches. I’ve posted a few photos here. Other are located at:
CCHS JV Volleyball- http://www.culverphotos.com/10_7_10_jv_vball
CCHS Varsity Volleyball- http://www.culverphotos.com/10_7_10_varsity_volleyball
Indiana Sports Photography: Culver Middle School Football
Earlier this week,the Culver Middle School Football team played Jimtown Middle School. The boys played hard and I got some great photos. I was told that this is young team for Culver where many of the players are new to the game. Regardless, I think that boys did a good job and never gave up. I’ve posted some photos here. Other photos are posted online at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CCHS Varsity Football vs. Jimstown

Friday Night Football at its finest! Last night I photographed the Culver Cavaliers as their Varsity team played against Jimtown High School in Culver, Indiana. It was a great game to watch and CCHS played extremely well considering their team appeared to have about half the number of players as Jimtown. Watching the game, the score could have gone either way as there was’nt a dominant team. Unfortunately, Culver Community couldn’t pull out the win. The final score: Culver-14 Jimtown- 21. Great effort, Culver. You worked hard and it’s obvious why you are having such a successful season! I’ve posted some photos here. Other photos are located at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CCHS Girls Varsity Soccer vs. John Glenn
A few evenings ago, the Culver Community High School girls varsity soccer team hosted John Glenn High School. It was a great game with both schools being very evenly matched. Unfortunately, the girls of CCHS allowed a goal early in the game that they could never get back. The final score was Culver- 1, John Glenn- 2. I’ve posted some photos here. Additional photos are located at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CCHS Volleyball
The other day was a busy day in Culver, Indiana for volleyball. At the Culver Community school, Culver Middle School had two games: the 7th grade team and 8th grade team. Both teams hosted Triton Middle School. Almost at the same time, Culver Community High School hosted Breman’s JV and Varsity Volleyball teams. I couldn’t attend every game as I can be in only one place at a time. I did manage to photograph 3 of the 4 games. The girls of CCMS and CCHS played well. Unfortunately, Culver’s opponents won. Regardless, the games were fun to watch, and Culver has some talent that is worth following in the coming years. I’ve posted some photos here. Others can be found at:
Culver Middle School 7th Grade Volleyball-
Culver Community High School JV Volleyball-
Culver Community High School Varsity Volleyball-
Culver Indiana Photography: CCHS Graduation

On Friday night, I attended Culver Community High School’s Graduation Ceremony at the gymnasium at the High School. I’ve always enjoyed watching this ceremony, as doing so drives home for me what life in a small town is all about… the community. During the event, I often look around and notice a few other people I know. Like myself, these people do not have kids or grandkids graduating. Instead, they attend to show support for the students and their community. I wanted to shoot the event to ensure someone was capturing this event.
Unlike many graduations that I’ve photographed over the years, the mood of this ceremony is joyous, and the students are truly happy knowing they will see other over the summer months to come and before going off to college or careers. As you can see in the photos, the ceremony ends with a big bang and a lot of silly string! This appears to be a tradition at the school, as I’ve now witnessed it three times. Congrats to all of the Culver seniors. We wish you many successes in your future. Following are some photos from the evening’s celebration. You can find more at http://www.culverphotos.com/2010cchsgrad.
Plymouth Indiana Photography: Unexpected Prom Shoot
This afternoon, while driving back from the CMA Lacrosse Game in South Bend, I received a call asking if I could swing by and photograph a lifelong family freind of my wife’s family, Brittany Cowell. Brit was in her Prom dress before her and her date left for Culver Community High School’s Senior Prom. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make it back to Culver before they had to leave. Instead, I met them at the Prom location in Plymouth. Considering that I didn’t have my full light setup and much of the backdrop was a parking lot and the sky was cloudy and overcast, I think that the photos turned out.
Brittany is a sweet girl who looked beautiful in her blue dress. Her and her date made a great looking couple who look great together, albeit a bit nervous by the camera.
Having known Brittany since she was a baby, I’m ok shooting her at Prom and Graduation. Brittany, if you’re reading this, please give me a couple of years before you ask me to photograph your wedding or a baby.
Culver Indiana Photography: Donkey Basketball
This evening, I went to the CCHS gym to watch and photograph donkey basketball. Having never seen this sport before, I really had no idea of what to expect. Even now after sitting through several games, I don’t think that I’ll do it justice to describe it. Donkey basketball is a hoot to watch as it is more about trying to get on and stay on the donkeys. Once on, trying to get them to move is quite a challenge. One of the best moments came in the beginning when I was checking my camera and the announcer came on the loud speaker and said quite loudly, “so-and-so is making a break for it”. I looked up to see a man with the basketball leading 7 other donkeys as he went toward the opposite end. Of course, he and the 7 other donkeys and riders were moving at the blinding pace that I could have past them had I been crawling along the ground. Things would progress at this rate until the man that cared for the donkeys would bang a stick against the ground and the animals would go nuts. Some would run, some would buck, and others reared. As I’m sure that you can see in the photos, I was not the only person laughing my butt off. If the whole event weren’t funny enough to begin with, add to it the fact that the “players” were Culver’s Police Cheif and an officer, our Town Manager, our Town Clerk, some firemen, teachers, coaches, our local newspaper reporter, and even some high school students.
I’ve posted some photos here. There are hundreds more at www.culverphotos.com/donkeybasketball. If you do visit the website, take notice of the photos of standalone donkeys. These photos came about whenever the donkeys threw their riders and managed to escape for a minute or two.
Culver Community High School Photographer: CCHS Sport Spectacular
This evening, the Culver Community High School held its annual Sports Spectacular. This is a fun event where grades 7 through 12 compete against one another in different relays and competitions with all of the proceeds benefitting the CCHS Athletic Department. To make things more interesting, even the parents of the different grades participated and competed in a couple of the relays. Photos from the individual events can be found on culverphotos.com at http://www.culverphotos.com/f770427651.