Category Archives: Misc.

Culver Indiana Photography: Sunsets and Full Moon in Culver

Yesterday and today, Ginny and I went over to Culver Academies campus and took some shots just at sunset. Tonight, we were fortunate enough to enjoy a full moon as it rose over the lake and cast a golden glow across campus. This is a collection of our shots on campus during this time of the evening when all is quiet on campus. It has been especially quiet the past two days, as the kids and faculty/staff are on Spring Break. It’s a beautiful time of the day to take a few moments to capture the quiet calm of campus and the lake. Ginny wanted to photograph all of the trees on campus. We hope you enjoy this collection of moments at sunset on the lake and beautiful Culver Academies campus.300_1858

Culver Indiana Photography: Some Random Shots

Today I went out in search of things to find. I really wasn’t looking for anything in particular though I had to shoot using very specific camera settings. These photos were all taken using the Auto Area Focus mode and the Programmed Auto mode and no exposure compensation. In layman’s terms, the photos that you see were taken so that the camera could determine settings. For all practical purposes, for these photos, I set the D300s up as closely to being a point and shoot camera as  possible. I prefer not to shoot in Auto Programmed mode, but this was a good exercise.


Culver Indiana Photographer: Photo Contest Winners

This evening Ginny and I were informed that we were winners in a local photogoraphy contest that is part of The National Endowment for the Arts “The Big Read” project. I won the top prize for ”Best Overall.” It is for a photo called “Along a Country Road,” which I shot a couple miles out of Culver during one of our outings. We were driving along when we came across a woman riding a bicyle who had just picked some wild flowers to take home. Ginny asked her if we could take her picture, which she graciously said we could, so I shot her riding away from us.

Ginny won first place in the “People” category with a picture of our niece titled “Butterfly Hunting.” Ginny loves to take pictures of kids, and I think this one represents how patient she is when taking “just the right shot.” Lucy is always on the move, but she has given Ginny many opportunities and is her favorite subject.

Thanks to those of you who support our efforts. We are thrilled to be recognized for some fo the photos!


Along A Country Road


Indiana Photographer: Fort Sheridan, Illinois

While Ginny and I were in Chicago for our friends’ wedding event, we decided to take a side trip to see Ft. Sheridan, one of the many places Ginny lived as a child when her dad Larry Bess served in the military (Mr. Bess retired as a Major after 20 years in the service). Ft. Sheridan was one of the military bases that Clinton’s administration closed in the 90s. Ginny’s family lived at the army base during some of Ginny’s elementary and junior high years. The base was eventually given to the county who poured money into developing the land.

We arrived at the fort in the early afternoon. As we entered one side of the base, Ginny immediately recognized a tower and some of the homes that are still standing. She especially remembered a birthday party she attended at one of the Colonel’s homes. Some of these homes were renovated or added on to, but they were very much the way Ginny remembered them. She was a little emotional and nostalgic seeing some of the places of her childhood memories.

We couldn’t find the neighborhood Ginny lived in, as they had the road we believed led to it gated off. The golf course she remembered has been converted into a forest preserve, but we were able to see some of the deep ravines Ginny, her brother, and the rest of her family climbed in to find golf balls that the kids resold once they cleaned them up. Ginny said that she spent many hours with her brother climbing in those ravines. The fort had changed a lot since Ginny was a child, but she thought it was still as beautiful as she remembered, and I could tell it held a lot of meaning to her.


Indiana Photography: South Bend Urban Decay

Ginny and nature photographer Corey Hilz were talking at dinner the day before Corey and I went to explore in South Bend. Corey was talking about how he likes to shoot nature, but how he also likes to see the grittier side of life and looks for more urban shots that reflect a different way of life than what you see in nature. So, Ginny suggested we look around South Bend or head toward Chicago and go through Gary. We decided to go to South Bend, as we were also hoping to get time for some other areas in Northern Indiana.

We took some photographs of the River Walk in South Bend, and then we explored other parts of the city. We came across a building that appeared to be abandoned. It was filled with photo opportunities of “urban decay.” I can’t quite describe the building, as it was unlike anything I had ever seen. It proved to be filled with interesting objects, including several cars that appeared to be stripped out.

I’ve posted a few of my favorite shots. I think this building was probably the size of a few WalMarts combined. It was overwhelming in size, and some of the gritty detail of it was a bit overwhelming as well. You can find more photos at:
