Monthly Archives: September 2010
Culver Senior Photos: Andrew Eiler
Yesterday, we had a photoshoot with Andre Eiler, a senior at Culver Military Academy. Andrew is a golfer and looking forward to the golf season this Spring. We decided to take some shots at Mystic Hills to go along with Andrew’s other shots on campus. The Culver colors in the uniform look great against the backdrop of the course. We also learned that Andrew is a very talented golfer. Ginny noted that Andrew has the most natural smile. Andrew and his mom were laid back, so easy to work with, and kind; we are looking forward to seeing him go through the gate in 2011.
Indiana Child Photographer: Lucy’s 3rd Birthday

This weekend, Ginny and I drove down to Indianapolis for our niece Lucy’s birthday party. She is three years old now. Lucy had a princess-themed birthday party, so Ginny and I picked princess dress-up clothes and shoes for her birthday gift. You’ll see Lucy and her friends posing in these. You can tell from the pictures that the kids ate a lot of cake and had a great time. And in the first picture, you can see how excited Lucy was to have her friends come celebrate her birthday.
Indiana Sports Photography: CMA Eagles Varsity Football vs. John Glenn High School
Fall is here! At least that is how it felt at Friday’s football game on Culver Academy’s campus as the CMA Eagles played a varsity game against John Glenn High School. The weather was cooler with a breeze and the sun set earlier than previous weeks. Unfortunately, playing at home and having a cooler evening did not help Culver as they played a tough opponent who has had a great season. John Glenn has shut out their competetion the past 4 weeks and played similiarly on Friday. Culver played well but made a few mistakes that resulted in a score gap that could not be overcome. I’ve posted a few photos here. Other pictures are located at:
Indiana Sports Photographer: CCHS Girl’s Varsity Soccer vs. Westville
Yesterday afternoon, after the boy’s soccer game, the CCHS girl’s varsity soccer team hosted Westville High School in Culver. Due to dimming light and a prior engagment, I was unable to stay for the entire game. I was able though to watch 60 of the 80 minutes of game play. From what I did see, the girls of Culver played extremely well and were headed for an easy win. (When I left, the score was 5-to-0 and 80% of the play was on Westville’s goal end.)
I’ve posted some photos here. Other photos are located at:
Indiana Sports Photographer: CCHS Boy’s Varsity Soccer vs. Argos High School
Two days ago, I photographed the Culver Community High School Cavaliers Boy’s Varsity Soccer Team as they played Argos High School at Culver. I’ve been told that this is normally a huge rivalry game that has resulted in some fan and spectator problems in the past. Luckily, this was not the case last night. The game started with CCHS scoring an exciting and tying goal that ended the first half with a score of 1-to-1. Unfortunately, the final score was Culver-1, Argos-4, as Argos rallied in the second half. Both teams played hard. I think the Culver team has a lot of potential and a couple of great coaches. I hope to photograph them again.
I’ve posted some photos here. Other photos are located at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CGA Volleyball vs. West Central
Last night, the girl’s JV and Varsity volleyball teams of Culver Academy played West Central High School at Culver. Both the JV and Varsity teams played well and were evenly matched against West Central. Ultimately, the CGA teams won their matches, though West Central did win some individual games. I’ve posted some photos here; others are located at:
CGA JV Volleyball-
CGA Varsity Volleyball-
Indiana Photographer: French Lick
This past weekend, Ginny and I traveled to Frnch Lick, Indiana for some much needed rest and relaxation. As always, we had our cameras with us. We were glad that we did! French Lick is a resort area in Southern Indiana that developed in the early 1900s when the area’s natural spring waters were believed to possess healing powers. We stayed in one of the two-hundred-year-old hotels, which had French-decorated interiors, beautiful gradens (including numerous butterfly bushes), and sprawling grounds. Both hotels were magnificant and you truly felt that you had stepped back in time.
In addition to the hotels, French Lick also has the Indiana Railroad Muesem, which has several retired trains on the site. The muesem also offers rides into the hills of Southern Indiana on a historic train that offers some stunning views, one of which included Larry Bird’s childhood home. I’ll warn you, though, don’t take the trip after a full day on your feet. The lolling motion of the train as it made its way through the hills did put more than one passenger to sleep.
Near French Lick, is Lake Patoka, which is Indiana’s largest reservoir. While exploring, Ginny and I visited this lake and got some information in hopes of returning with our boat. Lake Patoka is unique in that most of the shores around the lake fall within a state park. Because of this, there is no development around the lake except for a marina or two and a few public launch sites.
I’ve included some photos here. Other photos are located at:
Indiana Sports Photography: CCHS Girls Varsity Soccer vs. John Glenn
A few evenings ago, the Culver Community High School girls varsity soccer team hosted John Glenn High School. It was a great game with both schools being very evenly matched. Unfortunately, the girls of CCHS allowed a goal early in the game that they could never get back. The final score was Culver- 1, John Glenn- 2. I’ve posted some photos here. Additional photos are located at:
9-11-10 CGA Freshman Volleyball vs. Knox High School
This morning, the CGA Freshman Volleyball team hosted Knox High School at Culver Academy for an early-morning matchup. Unfortunately, the CGA Eagles had a rough time and were out played by the ladies from Knox. I’ve posted some photos here. Others are posted at
Indiana Sports Photography: CMA Varsity Football vs. North Judson
Last night, the Culver Academy Eagles Varsity Football Team hosted North Judson High School for a home game on Culver Academy’s campus. North Judson proved to be a tough opponent who lead most of the game. In an exciting second half, Culver’s offense scored and put Culver within a touchdown of North Judson. Meanwhile, Culver’s defense did a fantastic job of holding North Judson and keeping them from advancing their lead. In the last couple minutes of the game, CMA scored and took the lead, which they held for the remainder of the game. The final score was Culver 20, North Judson 19.
For those that might be curious, I’ve chosen to lead this blog entry off with a photo of Culver’s Eagle mascot as last night was the mascot’s birthday. This co-ed suits up the Eagle custume each week. Happy Birthday Emily!
I’ve posted some of my favorite photos here. Others can be found at:
CMA Football Photos-
CGA Cheerleader Photos-