Monthly Archives: June 2010
Culver Indiana Photos: Crop Dusting
Growing up in Indiana, I can honestly say that I’ve only seen crop dusters at work four or five times. Of these few times, I’ve always been driving or with others and never had the chance to stop. This past Sunday, I saw that a crop duster was spraying some fields a quater mile outside of Culver so I ran home and grabbed my camera. It was an amazing thing to watch as the bright, shiny plane flew within 20 feet of the ground and dodged trees and power lines by 40 or 50 feet. If you ever see a crop duster working, I recommend stopping for a look. It is really cool. At one point, the pilot changed his pattern to fly right by me. Very cool of him! I’ve posted some photos here. Others can be found at:
Culver Indiana Photography: Boys and Girls Club Auction
On June 18, we attended the Culver Boys & Girls Club auction event. This year, Ginny was once again heavily involved in the event. The CBGC board was kind enough to give her a plaque for her work on the auction event. This year, the theme was “A Night at the Speedway,” and I have to say that the way the auction committee transformed the Lay Dining Hall at Culver Academies was amazing. Carol Zeglis was in charge of decorating and she paid attention to every detail. She even wrapped the potted plants in checkered paper. There was a race track for wiggle machine races, which were hysterical. I have to admit that I particiated in the races. I have to get some of those machines for my nieces and nephews! Mary Szymusiak, who was in charge of check-in and check-out, raced against me. She beat me in the practice round, but I won the race round. Mary’s husband Jim did a great job of running the races and MCing the live auction at which Ginny won the Peyton Manning rookie jersey that Peyton autographed back in ’98! I wasn’t there during the live auction, as I was out checking on a friend’s house. As some of you may have heard, there was a bad storm Friday night. We lost power for about an hour, and then, when the generators kicked on, the dining hall was the only building in Culver with power. Thankfully, the guests stayed, and though the turnout was much lower than anticipated, all of the event organizers were happy with the results of the evening.
If you haven’t made a donation to the Boys & Girls Club in awhile, take the time to support the kids. And hopefully, we’ll see you at next year’s auction event! The planners of this year’s auction are already planning the theme for next year’s event. It’s sure to be great. In the meantime, check out some photos of the great food (provided by City Diner), the fantastic decorations and donations, and some of the people at the event.
Culver Indiana Wedding Photographer: Troy & Mallory Wedding

About a week and a half ago, Ginny and I shot the wedding of Troy and Mallory Ulch. We are still going through the pictures, editing some, cropping others, and choosing our favorites, but we wanted to post a few, so that Troy and Mallory could take a look at some preliminary shots. Most of these are before the wedding and during the ceremony, as we haven’t been through all of them yet. We had the Boys & Girls Club auction last Friday and Ginny was preparing for it all of last week. We will eventually catch up with our posts! For now, here are a few shots of Mallory and Troy. Oh, Troy is a Culver police officer if you are wondering where the handcuffs came from…
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Commencement

The 2009-2010 Culver Academy school year comes to a close with the Final Formation and Graduation Commencement that was held last Sunday on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee. As part of the ceremony, the cadets proceed through the CMA Gate and the coeds walk through the CGA Arch. Once through, they are welcomed by a Legion Board member as they join the ranks of other Culver Alumn. As always, emotion runs high, as this celebration is both joyous and sad being the end of the seniors’ Culver (and high school) lives.
All totaled, I shot over 1500 photos before, during, and after the graduation ceremony. I tried to get a couple of photos of each student as they received their diploma and progressed through the Gate or Arch. I’ve only posted a few photos here. Others can be found at:
Before/After Ceremony-
Arch Ceremony-
Gate Ceremony-
Please note that both the Gate Ceremony photos and the Arch Ceremony photos are in the order that the students progressed through the Gate and Arch. If you are looking for a student who graduated later in the ceremony, look much later into the gallery.
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Officer’s Figure
Last Saturday, Culver Aacdemies held the annual Final Ball and Officer’s Figure. When asked about Officer’s Figure, I tell everyone that need to see it at least once because it’s not like anything you’ll see at a typical prom. It’s not just cool. It’s a tradition at Culver. I’m sure that the cadets don’t get as excited about it as someone like me, but, as you can tell from the photos, their dates and mothers enjoy being a part of it.
Following are some photos from the event. There are more photos posted on the website. I seperated the galleries into the photos of cadets with their dates ( and the photos of cadets with their mothers (
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Final Ball- Outside
Before and after the CGA Senior Waltz and Officer’s Figure, I shot several kids and families outside of the gym. For the Culver students, mingling and carrying on with their friends outside has before a tradition and integral part of Final Ball. It is a lot of fun to be around, as there are hundreds of students and mothers in beautiful gowns along with their male counterparts in Dress As and suits. Everyone always looks very sharp.
I’ve posted a few photos here. Other are at:
Please note that photos from the Officer’s Figure and Senior Waltz are not in this gallery. There are three galleries that contain these photos: “CGA Senior Waltz,” “Officer’s Figure- Mothers,” and “Officer’s Figure- Dates,” all of which can be found in the Graduation gallery at
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: CGA Senior Waltz
As part of the Culver Academy Graduation Ceremonies and the Final Ball held last Saturday, is the CGA Senior Waltz. This is a dance where the senior girls dance with their dads or, in some cases, their grand dads. It is really fun to watch as everyone seems to have a great time.
I’ve posted some photos here. There are many more located at
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Final Garrison Parade
Last Saturday, the Culver Corp of Cadets performed the Final Garrison Parade for 2010 as part of their Graduation Weekend. Everyone looked great and did well. The Troop had a few issues with a couple of horses acting up. As a former trooper myself, I suspect that either the kids were egging the horses on a little or the Horsemanship Department was trying to incorporate a few new horses into their parade mounts.
I’ve posted some photos here. Other are located at
Culver Academy Graduation Photos: Commencement Convocation
On Saturday morning of Culver Academy’s Graduation Weekend, Culver held its commencement convocation. And, as it turns out, a close friend of ours, Danny Cowell, received an award. Following are some photos from the convocation. You can find the other photos at